Wayney Edge Wood
Sculptor, carver, greenwood worker - woodcraft guided by nature
Wayne Smith: 07786 061989
The inspiration for Wayne Smith's business, Wayney Edge Wood, began with his love of trees. After years of tree surgery, he became depressed with the sheer waste of the trees felled and pruned at the hands of the wood chipper.
He approaches wood in a unique way, seeking to use the wood in its most natural state gaining inspiration from the natural curves and grain to create truly individual pieces. He applies his practical wood working skills, with his love of trees, to his work today.
Using only local, ethically sourced wood, Wayne creates unique pieces of wood ranging from outdoor furniture, sculpted bowls and cheese/chopping boards.
He works on commission and produces pieces of woodcraft that reflect the ideas and thoughts of his clients, whatever occasion they have in mind.
Wayne can be found selling his wares at various RHS events around the country, namely RHS Wisley & RHS Malvern.
He also runs whittling courses; email Wayne to register your interest.